Robert K. Maloney
Mr. Maloney is a principal of Equus Capital Partners, Ltd., serving as the Firm’s Secretary and Treasurer.
Mr. Maloney is a member of the Investment Committee and has served continually since its formation.
Mr. Maloney directs the cash management/treasury function, investment forecasting and tax planning for Equus and its investment portfolio. Since joining the Firm as controller of a wholly owned subsidiary, Mr. Maloney has overseen the growth in the finance department from a staff of three to its current level of 13 and a financial reporting system that relied primarily on third-party consultants without standardized reporting systems to the current integrated financial reporting, tax preparation and forecasting system that substantially eliminated the need for third parties.
Prior to joining Equus, Mr. Maloney was a financial analyst and internal auditor for three years at Berwind Corporation.
Mr. Maloney holds a B.S. in accounting from St. Joseph’s University.